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Site of Sarcasm Society

Posted by LEMBAR Sunday, February 22, 2009

We would love to hear what you think

There is nothing more beautiful than sarcasm. That is definitely an overstatement but it should balance the moronic comment which says that sarcasm is the lowest form of humor. Now, whoever made that statement was desperately in need of a rectal broomstick extraction procedure.

Sarcasm usually requires a quick wit, and the ability to extract the minutest points of weakness in a conversation. So it is quite unlikely that it is the lowest form of humor as some would like to call it. Perhaps not being able to enjoy sarcasm is directly related to not having the ability to come up with sarcastic comments, which in turn creates a feeling of inadequacy, which in turn can spawn a Napoleon complex, that can cause someone to logicise that sarcasm is the humor of the stupid.

As mentioned above sarcasm is usually innate; however, if you would still like to attempt developing this ability, your chances of success would be greatly increased if you are intelligent, or at the least not mentally incapable of detecting and reproducing sarcastic remarks. Because if you cannot make your very own sarcastic comments, you can still pass as having some grasp of this art by being able to recognize sarcasm when it is produced by someone else, and be able to retain it in memory long enough to use it at a later time when that particular sarcastic remark would be relevant.

Now I know what most of you are going to say, and I cannot wait to hear from each and every one of you.

That’s all approximately promotion and principal from this blog


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