Analytics appsReporting and analytics for data in the cloud
Businesses pay a monthly per user subscription fee, which gives access to build and run any number of analytics apps on any number of data sources.
youcalc offers private users free access to build and run analytics apps and widgets on most public data sources (Google Finance, eBay, Amazon, etc.), allowing users to create and share interactive chart widgets that analyze sports data, politics data, financial data, etc.
youcalc apps can run anywhere - inside iGoogle, inside, in a blog, on a Facebook account, etc.
Creating the world's largest library of analytics apps
youcalc offers a vast library of analytics apps, which users can run as is or customize.
Our mission is to leverage user driven innovation to create the world’s largest library of analytics apps for any imaginable purpose.
All apps become accessible from our app gallery, for any youcalc user to use, copy, or customize into new apps. Users cannot see each other's data, but the model logic behind any app is public.
In the future, users of youcalc will be able to find analytics apps for just about any imaginable purpose, select an app, customize it to their needs, connect it to their data, and take it into use.
Building and customizing a youcalc app is a zero-code drag-and-drop process. Connecting to data sources is a few-clicks operation and modeling calculation logic is similar to spreadsheet modeling. Adding interactive charts is pure drag-and-drop from a large flash chart library. Finally, distributing apps to run in a browser, as a widget, on a mobile device, etc. is a one-click operation. Users without the skills to build or modify apps can crowd-source custom needs to the youcalc developer community.