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Site of Biggest Medical Student Textbooks

Posted by LEMBAR Monday, February 23, 2009 0 comments

Storage of materials teaching and scientific medical journals

Are you medical students, or require textbooks medicine? If yes, you can use Website Medical Student for reference and reading about medical world. This Website is a biggest storage (repository) of textbooks in medical virtual world.

Be sides prepare for free downloaded, authority and authenticity of all the medical textbooks have guaranteed. Except journals books medical, computer software for hand pocket (Palm and Windows), and other links that support for lecture. uses the following criteria for World-Wide Web site selection:
1) The site is selected by a process of peer review by accreditation, because accreditation models are designed for works that change over time. To become accredited, a site must clearly display four core quality standards: a. Authorship, including the author's name, affiliation, and credentials. b. Attribution of facts through the listing of references. c. Disclosure of site ownership and sponsorship. d. Currency of the site by listing dates of content posting and updating.
2) The site must be free to use, in part or in whole.
3) The site's information must be primarily in Hypertext Markup Language format (HTML) so that it can be read by users with the lowest common denominator World-Wide Web browser.
Hmm, you can imagine when all the medical faculties of universities throughout in my country to online teaching materials, and scientific journals so that they can be accessed freely. Unless study costs will be decreased, quality of textbooks and medical journals will participate. This is an actual strength open source: many together for our prosperity!

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