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Site of Science Base – Beyond Skepticism and Science

Posted by LEMBAR Monday, February 23, 2009

Science for Human Being

Excepting mythology and religion, science is device for human being to reveal human wrap for secret of the universe. Unlike the mythological, science requires people for effort to investigate, discover, and increase they understanding to all phenomena that occur in universe.

Currently, there are already hundreds branches of science which classified to exact sciences in social, and applied. Different with knowledge, when scientific meet several requirements, ie, objective, methodical, systematic and universal, anything can be called a science,

If you have questions, which encourage with birth and growth of science, answered? is wavering. And if you would to know skepticism as the birth of science, invention and new innovation -what can be classified into science? Blog Sciencebase present the answer for you.
There are pages that carry headlines from other resources such as Eurekalert and hopefully provide readers with even more timely news items. There are literally dozens every day. If you spot an interesting science news headline in those sections, read it then and there because they update frequently.
Sciencebase is hopefully for anyone with an interest in the world around them but specifically those who would like to understand it, as to who reads Sciencebase, everyone from high school students looking for ideas for their science fair projects to senior professors and Nobel laureates, as well as fellow science writers. The site gets quite decent traffic of several thousand visitors each day and an average newsfeed subscriberbase of about 3000 newsfeed subscribers.
So, don’t run from your chair. Let’s read this.


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