Online TV Player Basic
Wonder what's playing on TV right now in Albania? How about in Indonesia, Italy, Peru or just about anywhere else? This great freebie lists hundreds of TV stations -- from Afghanistan to Vietnam -- that broadcast online, and it lets you watch them for free. Simply run the software, browse the list of TV stations around the world, double-click one and it starts playing. The application tunes in radio stations around the world as well.
Keep in mind that not all of the TV stations listed as available are actually live; on occasion you may come across one that isn't broadcasting. But that's a small quibble. This is a terrific program for connecting to TV stations almost everywhere.
Download Online TV Player Basic
Price: Free
Wonder what's playing on TV right now in Albania? How about in Indonesia, Italy, Peru or just about anywhere else? This great freebie lists hundreds of TV stations -- from Afghanistan to Vietnam -- that broadcast online, and it lets you watch them for free. Simply run the software, browse the list of TV stations around the world, double-click one and it starts playing. The application tunes in radio stations around the world as well.
Keep in mind that not all of the TV stations listed as available are actually live; on occasion you may come across one that isn't broadcasting. But that's a small quibble. This is a terrific program for connecting to TV stations almost everywhere.
Download Online TV Player Basic
Price: Free